Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Eulogy of a Son!

Death, ever often is the anguished care
Where the loved ones shall be, left, despaired
To the greatest mind, we ought to salute,
Dr. Kalam ji, this is to you, we allude

The path you travelled went far and wide,
Leaving young bloods to trace you with pride.
A gift of the South, we proudly claim
As the idol of the world, was your greatest fame.

"The missile man" you are fondly called,
To outlook India was your only thought.
Your intuitive quotes were the heal to a pain
Of lost hopes and botches, to regain

As the Leader of this country you fondly bore.
With pride of a young India, was what u strove
For many men may come by and go!
But, you're thoughts, in us, will stay, aglow!

Your greatest anger, was also a mere smile
Your highest speeches was not excessive but premise  
You left us, before the dream came true, bewildered
As if, it were a sleep that we had so far just shouldered

Dreams, u said, are not for us to sleep
But keep us awake, lively to take a leap
Ahead of troubles that rule our past
You advised, to fear them not and advance.

Twenty 20 is not by far very distant
To honor, we shall work towards, from the instant.
Bless us as now you are one of the gods.
Mind you, you always live in our hearts


Monday, July 27, 2015

The Harbingers of Change

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” are the deep thoughts of George Bernard Shaw. And, often, we adhere to the thoughts of our grey-beards. This is just one of the million thoughts/quotes, said by great fore thinkers of our society, down the ages.

Okay, Let’s analyze and understand whether those "said", thoughts were true or just brushy for pride to say something.
What is Change?
Change is nothing but a transformation, on dual side (either upwards or downwards) based on the relative thoughts and behavior that makes the individual to choose a decisional path. A change in most instances is inevitable, and often a perception of a good turnover. “He’s turned over a new leaf” , “May the goddess of change, bestow light upon you” are some of the frequent churchy words we hear. A change from an initial notion to another decision need not implicate that the initial decision was obsolete or a worthy of existing. It only goes to show that the individual has found a better alter to the same.
Some changes come by, with the effect of the individual considering that he/she had done a mistake taking the start-up choice. This maybe a demoraliser to the forthcoming decision. But take not to deep heart and not think of the past mistake you have done. After all, what is life when you haven’t done a mistake. For all those, who empathize here, it is said that, “If you haven’t done a mistake, you haven’t explored new things” (A quote of Albert Einstein). This is applicable to the Worship deities as well. Many instances prove to us, where the gods also have done mistakes from which change springs and causes a revolution. The dynamism of the change may sometime be impractical but “A Change had/has happened”. That’s what we care about
The last probable category is “change is the change to the worst”. Well, this just means that the person is gonna take an extra change-over step someday by changing for the better. All he needs to realize is when he is gonna make that additional change of realizing his mistakes and correcting them.
In all the three cases, it is observed that change comes our way just like a rainbow after a hurricane.
If we cannot live without food, So can we, without change...! It is  “ not an optional necessity” but “a highly prioritized recommendation”.

"Fear not" its coming and "predict" its forthcoming and "expect the vibe to revolutionize you.
Make it, what it takes to have an impact. 
Remember only this, before any decision you make:
Never is it too old,
Some, ripe late, yet gold,
Never think you’re too late,
Bring the right change to your fate.
For, once bitten twice shy
Reckon always, failures are to try
Welcome change with an open smile
And it will assist you in your strive
Thank You! Hope this helped.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

What goes up, MUST to come down? SHOULD it?

A very naïve idiom, yet replicates folds of definitive perceptions! One of the main attributes that we discuss below, is attitude and the way of life.

Life, is the game of see-saw that goes up and comes down on alter slides. An individual’s behavior and temperate attitude, swells the graph upwards. Often, ego and condescending attitudinal changes befriends the rocket to the sky (referring to the uphill of life). The reason being fame. When people tend to acknowledge a positive vibe with your presence around, the individual often feels his/her existence to be unavoidable. As a result, lofts the attitude in the way of talk and way of actions. This, by-far is the most common observations made and also instant to be noticed distinctly, leaving room for unwarranted back talks (slang: gossips).

How do we acquit ourselves, when put in such a situation?
When we are “the good shoes of the town”, always learn to keep up-to the pace by retrograding ourselves through the path that lead us to this position. Once the thought is drilled deep down, the attitude is positive.
Ups and Downs are a common trade-off points in everybody’s life. The up-starts maybe quite challenging and backtracks (sometimes) to the same position. It is that motivational factor or passionate eye that scales up despite the snake-pulls. The conduct when we are at the top of the world, and the ill-effects of not doing so, has been discussed above.
Now, I’ve gone up.

What if I am falling deep down?
Okay, So what? Nothing to worry or panic. Any plane that hits the skies and tears between the clouds, has to land. Similarly, the downpits may be impacting and some cases severe, but a steady mindset to achieve the goal and a passionate attempt, will definitely qualify to seal the top notch despite the fast downfall. So it’s all about the attitude.

A standing example model, is Sir Thomas Edison. A known story, yet a forgotten moral. His numerous inventions failed miserably and got him to the rags. But, despite life plotting the “inverse curve” to his success graph, he kept striving and also, learnt the shams that he made during his downfall checkpoints and finally scaled up, infinitely with his remarkable invention.
All of us cannot be the Edison, that’s why he is unique. But definitely, an effort to be like him and how he reacted when he was on the lane, decides our flag post. Therefore,
A Tomorrow-the-D-day Attitude, makes you lazy
A Boggy Attitude makes you foolish
A Timid Attitude curtails your professionalism
Only a Passionate and Cool-Headed Attitude advances you to scalable heights and accommodates your inmates to reckon your presence as a cheer.
So, Set it tight (your goal), and Get it Right! (Through striving actions)!

Mind you: - What goes up, needn’t come down..!!
Cheer Ho!